Thursday, June 11, 2009

Daily Mug Shot Vison

Today's daily mug shot is the perfect blend of Moon Monkey Coffee Company's Vision. Extraordinary coffee & music. Been one-anothering alot this week with the art of giving extraordinary coffee without any expectation of return! ....Brand Evangelism! I can barely keep pace with opportunities birthed over extraordinary cups of Moon Monkey Coffee...The tool of connection, the art of I said in a previous post see June 9th it's not about the's amazing! It's about connecting the dots, stepping in to and not just poking @ a vision! The follwing is a must read from Michael Hyatt blog from yesterday on vision. I highly recomment it. Here's the tweet with the link from one of my mentors ....@JohnCMaxwell quoted Michael Hyatt on the importance of vision over strategy. Michael originally wrote about it here:

Will be in Indy blending with Moon Monkey Coffee. First stop new radio station, followed by a visit to a new raving fan @evanmcbroom from Fish Hook Communications @

Life Lesson #897 yesterday: a very valuable life lesson, that I already knew.... that can be summed up in this tweet from @exectweets "People will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." ~ Maya Angelou (via @ScreamingEagle1)

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